Would you make a great marketing assistant? Here is a chance to try yourself!
I came into an extra $100 recently for my marketing fund. I thought about buying an online ad for Deathscape. Then I thought about all the wonderful support I get online, with you all recommending my books to friends, etc. Honestly, I think that makes a lot more difference than any paid ad. So I’m thinking about trying something different. I thought I’d give away a $100 amazon gift certificate to the reader who helps me the most to promote Deathscape between now and Christmas.
Contest starts: now
Contest ends: Dec. 23rd  , 2012. I hope to tally up results that night so the winner can have his or her gift cert by Christmas Eve.
Void where prohibited. Must be 18 to enter. Since this is a Kindle promo for this specific book, I’m restricting this to countries where the book is actually available for Kindle: USA, Canada, European Union.
Here is your challenge if you chose to accept it: Please help me promote Deathscape. http://www.amazon.com/Deathscape-ebook/dp/B009YMJ2AO
I’m looking for online, verifiable mentions of the book. Each will get 1 point. The contestant with the most point wins. (How is that for simple?)
Here are the kind of things I’m thinking:
-Like the book’s page on amazon
-Write a book review (Only if you’ve read the book, please. I’m not trolling for fake glowing reviews, would just like your honest opinion. And please don’t write, “I’m only writing a review to win a contest,” or amazon will whack me over the head.)
-Tweet a link to the book’s amazon page with a note to friends (inclue @danamarton so I’ll see it)
-Post something on FB about the book with a link to its amazon page
-If you have a ‘favorite books’ folder in Pinterest, please post my cover in it
-Get your friends to help. E.g. If you tweet a link to my book with a note recommending it to others and 10 of your friends retweet it, that’s 11 points for you! Same with facebook. If you post about the book with a link and 20 friends hit the share button, that’s 21 points for you! Or if you say, “Hey, I reviewed your book an amazon and goodreads and got my friend XY to do the same, you get points for her reviews, too.”
Basically, please think as a promotion specialist. Posts should be professional, not annoying, have a link to the book’s amazon page when possible, etc.
If you’ve already posted and promoted Deathscape, all those mentions count! Just let me know about them.
Please report your points by posting here on the blog in the comments section. (Pls. don’t send me points in a separate email or post them on my FB page. I need them in one place so I can count them up without going loopy.)
Just post something like: I just Liked Deathscape on amazon. 1 point
That’s it! Questions?
Oh, and while only the person with the most points will receive the $100 amazon gift certificate, the top 100 score will each receive a free Kindle copy of the sequel to Deathscape when it comes out at the beginning of summer. (Since I don’t think I ever had more than 100 people enter any of my contests before, your chances of getting a free book are pretty darn good. That’s my professional statistical analysis, without promising anything, which I can’t do for legal reasons.)
Okay, that brought legal issues to mind, so here we go… By entering this contest, you solemnly swear not to hold me liable if you get carpal tunnel from all the extra typing, you’ll excuse me from all liability from all calamity and will not sue me for any reason what so ever, and all that legal stuff.
Whew. That’s the longest contest description I’ve ever done! I need chocolate now.
Good luck!!!

5 thoughts on “Could you be a Marketing Assistant?

  1. Shared the link to Deathscape on my FB page, liked on Amazon & wrote an Amazon review. Hope it helps you sell, sell, sell!

  2. Liked on Amazon. Wrote Amazon review. Wrote review on Examiner.com, Wrote review on Goodreads. Tweeted the examiner.com review. Shared the review on my FB (and yours). Posted a blog review on my website: http://www.teresanordheim.com It's my pleasure to promote you and I will keep trying. Good luck!

  3. i did what i could the review was already written and i dont tweet or use pintrest thanks for another great contest good luck to everyone and good luck on more buyers dana

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